A great media plan is not the sum of its parts.
It’s more than that.
It’s a moving beast that can change the fortunes of businesses and people alike
Together we establish the most valuable business goals and how we are going to achieve them. A good media strategy will always win out in the long term, not to be confused with tactics. A good media strategy should tell us “why” we will achieve our goals.
Our media planners comprehensively analyse your previous marketing results and target audience to generate concrete media channel recommendations on which media tactics we should employ to achieve our strategic media goals and why.
We provide a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of your previous marketing results to find hidden data clues, overlooked audiences, how weather impacts your sales – the ‘Aha’ moments that only a fresh set of eyes can see.
We implement the latest digital best practices and media opportunities in our strategies so that our clients get cutting-edge media plans that are straightforward and actionable.
Our team is one of the most experienced in the industry in both traditional and digital media planning and buying.
At MK, our campaigns are built with attribution in mind. Our media buyers establish the most valuable and essential metrics to achieve the business goals you’re striving for. We outline the framework, approach and technology needed to measure these goals.
We’re able to gain insights from Traditional & Digital media via our media attribution software. This system feeds us real-time intelligence into exactly which TV spots are driving sales, who’s watching what, the length of their purchase journey, and the re-purchase rate.
These methods allow us to turn a good media plan into a great media plan. By continually watching over the campaign, we can move and adapt and remove any irrelevant placements, leaving us with the best of what works. Ultimately, this leaves you with agile and efficient marketing execution. Our team has the resources to execute media plans of all sizes.
Our clients get cutting-edge media plans that are straightforward and actionable.
Our team is one of the most experienced in the industry in both traditional and digital media planning and buying. We work closely with our clients to develop unique media plans to meet advertising objectives.
These plans incorporate the latest insights and strategies into a well-structured approach to media buying. We have a proactive approach to media planning, which ensures that we’re always ahead of the curve and prepared for what is coming up next in our industry.
Analysing marketing data such as online bookings, email sign-ups, surveys etc., gives us unique insight into consumer behaviour because we can see what they did and make predictions on how they will behave in the future.
By using segmentation criteria like travel patterns, purchase history and demographics, we can find new potential customers who match the needs of our clients.
We compile data from various sources to create a complete picture of your audience — not one based on guesswork or assumptions. This process also helps us determine which channels are most appropriate for delivering messages to better predict and measure results. We engage in ongoing monitoring and analysis — we’re constantly running post-campaign analyses to see what kind of impact media is having on your business results.
MK Media provides the right mix of media disciplines (such as Television Advertising, Social Media, Outdoor Billboards, etc.) to blend tactics seamlessly with your overall strategy and work towards achieving your goals in a coordinated way.
Ad space should not be confused with marketing strategy. A media buyer knows all forms of media available based on market research to ensure that when planning media, the audience gets the correct ad placement through the proper media channels.
A key element of a good planning process is taking into account cost per acquisition and brand awareness to hit the audience goals within the marketing budget.
Finding effective media for lead generation can be a challenge when your target market is too broad. As long as it aligns with our marketing objectives, we can message target audiences via chatbots qualify and coach them through the buying process for our products and services.
Cost-effective ads can be a challenge if you don’t deal with reach and frequency issues upfront. One of the factors that challenge the effectiveness of digital platforms is the number of times your ad is shown. A media platform like BVOD can be challenged with too much frequency. The ability to track this type of paid media is essential to the success of any campaign.
Consumers know when they are looking at an advertisement on a website. Our goal, is to make sure it’s a message they want to see.
We are defining why our approach will result in your desired outcome.
We are defining why our approach will result in your desired outcome.
The media plan contains the media you will be using, how many spots/clicks/impressions you will receive and the dates.
The process of defining a media execution that will achieve your business goals.
Many people choose media based on feel. A robust media planning process ensures every media selected is on the plan based on merit and contribution to the overall strategy.
After a solid media plan is developed and signed off, the media agency will buy the media on your behalf. Once all the media is purchased, you should receive a confirmation that matches your signed off media plan.
An expert media buyer will ensure your media investment is made wisely to give your business every chance of success.